The story teller in me is just not satisfied with telling our story by photo alone. My wish is to share with all of you our moments in time, as we grow and become what God has in-store for this family. Of course, being able to do this in person would be fabulous, but I don't want to miss any opportunities to share this gift that God has given to me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chickens before the Coop

So, I started this blog with a story about our six new chicks and how excited I was to have FREE eggs. Today I want to update you on the folly of FREE eggs.
We did not have a coop before we got chickens and that was a huge mistake. For the past two months we have been spending every extra moment building our chicken coop. By every extra moment, I mean those kid free moments especially that come after bed time and at nap time. Consequently, many nights we are up until eleven at night working away. It has not all been bad by any means. Karsten and I are getting to work together to accomplish a task neither of us feels adequately equipped for, and the coop will be beautiful when it is done. However, this was about FREE eggs that I wanted to write about so back to that.
1. Lumber and misc supplies for coop = $500.00
2. Chicks = $10.00
3. Feed = $25.00 every six weeks
4. Time and Water = Priceless
5. Washing chicken poop off children and out of cloths = 1 million dollars

So, FREE eggs cost us somewhere around two dollars a day! In trying to not be discouraged, I find comfort in knowing that the experience that I am giving my children is worth a whole lot more than two dollars a day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Erika! I am laughing but in a very empathetic way! For what it's worth the coop is looking great...
