"It me birfday, birfday me momma"
Let me tell you that I have never heard such sweet words from my daughter, well not true, when she says,"Da doo" that is the sweetest of words. Mikaia has had so much to overcome and her greatest achievement so far is learning to talk. She is talking in short sentences and they show her incredible sense of humor as well as her elevated comprehension. Today Mikaia turned four and this has been such a pill for me to swallow. My little girl is FOUR. Not three or two or one but FOUR. It seems she has stepped over a thresh-hold into a new dimension of girlhood. I am amazed to watch her grow. I am amazed at the way she brings people together and makes them feel loved. When she was given to me four years ago I could not even conceive of what she would mean and be to this family, and others. As I wish I could see four years down the road to her effect on this life I realize again that we only have this moment to live. I am so sure that God has greater plans for this daughter of mine, that He will protect her in all ways and love her completely even when we let her down. Still for today, I rejoice that God chose me and this family to be the ones closest to Mikaia, to love her unconditionally and provide her a safe place to land. It is such an honor to be the special mother of an incredibly special daughter.
Happy birthday Kaia Lyn. One day I pray that you will know that I love you greater than the widest valley, higher than the mountains, and deeper than the oceans. I love you girlie from all that was, to all that is, and to all that will be.
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