The story teller in me is just not satisfied with telling our story by photo alone. My wish is to share with all of you our moments in time, as we grow and become what God has in-store for this family. Of course, being able to do this in person would be fabulous, but I don't want to miss any opportunities to share this gift that God has given to me. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I must back track a bit to get you all up-to-date. I have thought so many times how limiting each additional child was going to be to my idea of productivity. However, I must admit that I still seem to find time to accomplish what I deem necessary, abbreviated outcome at times, but accomplished. Well, this three child thing, I guess didn't seem daunting enough to me, so we have expanded. Spring came in January this year, and with it the hopes of a huge garden. Since my garden is usually very productive and organic, I didn't dash these hopes. I just didn't know the farmer in me was going to pick this spring to raise her shiny head! To make a long story short so I don't lose all of you on this first posting. We eat a lot of eggs, organic free-range eggs, they are expensive, we now have chicks, six beautiful and healthy chicks. I have done the math and six chicks should equate to 42 eggs a week. Since we eat at least 24 eggs a week that should leave us 18 eggs extra, just enough to sell to our friends to pay for the food for the chicks. We eat eggs for free!!

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited you are blogging, Erika! I'm looking forward to staying in the loop with you- love you all!
